If the person is close to someone, they are surely going to save their number. You won’t be able to know if they saved it by a different name. Your kid could get into the wrong company which will affect his lifestyle later on. The best way to know whether they are in the wrong company or not is by the contact of the spy app. There are many contact spy apps available on the market. However, you need to choose the best ones. Therefore, we are here with the best contact spy app toolkits you can use.
Table of Contents
The first one we are going to see on the list is the JJSPY tool. It is the best contact spy app available on the internet right now. It offers both Android and iPhone support. So, no matter which device the target is using, you will be able to hack and spy on them with ease. Further, you don’t even need to root or jailbreak your phone. The tool allows you to hack the contact list with ease. The app has various other features that it can not only act as the best contact spy app but you can also use it as the best phone monitoring tool out there.
A phone monitoring tool will give you the complete data of the phone. Whether you want to see the contact information of the target device or you want to get the other information from it. You can do it with the JJSPY tool. It allows you to see all the contact, logs, files, and it also has many other features. We will soon see the complete list of features.

The features are different for both Android and iPhone devices. Due to the high level of security in the iPhone device, one can’t control the iPhone device. However, you can pretty much control everything when it comes to Android. Hence, we are going to see the features of all of them. Further, for your convenience, we will also mention if the feature is available on the Android device only or it is also available for the iPhone models. Please note that when we say iPhone, it also works on iPads. So, you don’t need to worry if the target user has an iPad instead of an iPhone. The tool works fine on both of them.
Features of JJSPY
Now, we are going to see some of the best features of JJSPY.
- It can surely as a spy contact app. With this, you will get the information about all the contacts that are saved on the phone. Whether they are in the phone memory, sim memory, or they are backed up in the Google account. You will be able to see all the contact with ease. This feature works on both the device.
- Further, you can also see the logs, messages, and other system details with this. This will give you brief information about the calls and SMS.
- You can view the location of the device. If the target is using an iPhone, you can also see the location history in this.
- Android mobile also allows you to live stream. In other words, you can see the screen of the Android mobile whenever you want. Also, you can turn on the camera remotely whenever you want. Not to mention, you can also click a picture without them knowing.
- You can view and access all the files inside the memory. It also allows you to see photos, videos, and other things.
- If the target user is not using the incognito mode, you can even view the browsing history of the person.
- The tool also allows you to view all the WhatsApp messages and other communication apps messages. You can view the data of any app you want. The app must be installed on the device. If it is installed, you can do it with ease. You just need to head over to the Apps section and click on the app that you want to spy.
In this way, JJSPY has many features that are worth considering and this makes it the best app.
#2 mSpy
mSpy is another popular app that you can use if you want to spy on the contact. mSpy is also a phone monitoring tool that will allow you to get all the data from the user. Here, some of the features do require the rooting. In other words, you either need to jailbreak the device or you need to root the Android device. Once you do it, you can see all the features.

However, if you only want the basic feature, you can view all of them without rooting. The tool allows you to spy on WhatsApp messages and line messages. Further, it can also give out the location of the phone. The phone monitoring tool will only give the live location or we can say the current location of the phone. You can’t know where the phone was previously. So, you need to turn on the MSPy dashboard more times if you want to know the exact location.
Another contact spy app which you can surely give it a try is XNSPY. It will catch all the contact information from the mobile phone and send it to the website. You can log in to the XnSpy account and see all the information right over there. The working is easy and the tool will also send the Google contacts along with the phone device. So, you will be able to see all the contacts with ease.

Further talking, there are a couple of extra things which you will be able to see here. For instance, you can also view the logs and SMS whenever you want. The tool is available for both Android as well as for the iPhone devices. So, you can use this tool for both of them. It also shows the browsing history of the mobile phone. In this way, you can know what they are searching for.
#4 FlexiSPY
FlexiSPY can also be the option when you’re looking for some of the best contact spying apps. FlexiSPY is a little bit expensive when you compare the other tools. FlexiSPY calls itself the unique monitoring app out there due to some of its features. No doubt, it is a complete toolkit which you will find if you are looking for the best contact spying tools. The application provides all the information from the mobile phone with ease.

Further, it also has some of the amazing features which most of the other tools are missing. For instance, you can turn on the camera of the target phone. It will let you see all the things through the camera. This is a nice small feature which you will get when you are using this tool. Moreover, you can also hear the surroundings with it. When you combine the features, you will get an amazing toolkit that is worth the money. You can spy on the target with it.
#5 TiSPY
TiSPY is a small useful phone monitoring app that you can use just like every other application out there. You can use this application to spy on the device with ease. TiSPY specializes in the phone tracking part. So, if you want to see the exact location of a phone, you should consider this app. All the applications use GPS to get information. Even TiSpy uses the same. Hence, the location you will get in all the apps will be the same and accurate.
Talking about the current best feature over here, you can use this tool to spy on the contacts of the mobile phone. It also gives details about the extra information you saved along with the contact name and number. For example, it will give you the email id of the person if you have saved the email id in the contacts. The contacts are directly fetched from the contact apps. Hence, this can also be a tool for you.
#6 GuestSpy
Our next tool for contact spying is GuestSpy. It works on all the popular devices out there and you should surely have a look at it. it allows you to view all the call logs. The call log will display the missed calls, received calls, and also will display all the dialed calls. Further, if you want to see the contact information, you can also check the same. The tool has features to spy on all the system applications such as you can see the SMS, etc.
Guestspy can be the best choice if you want some of the basic spying features on the device. It will let you get all such information remotely. You can also see the live location of the device. It has a GPS tracker inside its application. So, when you purchase Guestspy, you are also purchasing the GPS tracker with it. It will give you the most accurate location of the device.
#7 Webwatcher
Webwatcher is a very basic tool you can get if you want to spy on someone. As we are only focusing on the best contact spy app right now, we can also include this tool in it. It surely lacks many features that you will need but when it comes to the contact spy app, it works pretty well. The tool collects all the contact information and then allows you to view that information on the website. You need to log in to their website to view the content.

Therefore, it can also work as an alternative if you want to spy on someone. Some of the features such as live screens streaming, camera streaming, etc are missing over here. However, many people are only looking for a contact spy tool. Webwatcher does it work when it comes to the contact spying. Hence, you can surely have a look at the website to know more about it and how the tool works.
#8 Copy9
Copy9 is the last in our list of the best contact spy app for iPhone and Android. The tool is one of the best spy tools out there when it comes to phone monitoring. Unlike most of the above apps, Copy9 also has all the features you will need just like JJSPY. You can spy on the contact list with this. It also gives you information about the other details of the contact. For instance, if the target user-added an email address along with the name, you will be able to see the email address too.
The reason why people love the Copy9 tool is because of the keylogger it has. Copy9 comes with a keylogger tool that will capture all the keystrokes. It will save all the keypresses on their account and you will be able to see those directly from your account. It also displays the password in plain text. Hence, people love it. However, when it comes to the interface, it is slightly poor as compared to the JJSPY tool. On the other hand, JJSPY keylogger displays all the things in a perfect manner which is why people love that tool.
Final words
To conclude, this was all about the best contact spy app for iPhone and Android. You can surely go with anyone you want. However, we suggest you go with the JJSPY tool as it has a lot of features out there. Also, when it comes to the detection, JJSPY is undetectable and no one will be able to detect the tool. So, one can easily start using it and the target person won’t even come to know that someone is spying on them. Also, the features mentioned here are just some of the popular features, you can have a look at the official website and see the features page for all the feature list. Also, you can check the live demo. It will show you exactly how the app will work and how you can spy on the contact list. The demo is available for both devices.